中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈtʃi:pənɪŋ]

v. 减价( cheapen的现在分词 ); 降低(自己[某事物])的身价, 贬低

v lower the grade of something; reduce its worth


1. Let's do this before you cheapen yourself further.

趁你继续自降身价前 赶紧去找吧

2. Such as the cheapening of quality, for one.

房子的质量堪忧 这是其一

3. It's not a show, some performance to be cheapened on the internet.

這不是作秀 不是可以放在網上被貶低的表演

4. deal with it, cos he thought it would cheapen the moment.

怎么弄它 他觉得那样会破坏感觉

5. Exposing all that aging flesh would just cheapen it.


6. Rumualdo and I have a creative connection, so don't cheapen it with your tawdry insinuations.

我和鲁穆阿尔多在创作上有共鸣 不要用你花哨的暗示来贬低我们

7. Our job is to cause her embarras ent and to cheapen her image in the eyes of the public.

我们的任务就是让她难堪 损害她的公共形象

8. We make a show about empowering women and lifting them up, and you cheapen it with this coarse vulgarity.

我们做这节目是要宣扬女权 提升女性地位 而你粗鄙下流的行为降低了我们的格调

9. And I don't believe saying that cheapens the word and actually disrespects those we mean to honor by turning real people into political pawns.

而且把英雄军人变成 棋子 不会贬低"英雄"这个词 也不是对我们该尊重之人的不尊重

10. What is not at your disposal are the details of my personal life, which are uniquely my own, and which I will not cheapen by allowing them to become grist for your tedious recovery mill.

唯一不在你权限范围内的 就是我私人生活的细节 那是仅仅属于我自己的生活 我不会贱到用自己的生活 去给你无聊的康复治疗提供素材



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