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音标: 英 [ˈtʃeɪmbəz] 美 [ˈtʃembəz]

n. 钱伯斯(姓氏)

n. English architect (1723-1796)


1. Take me to your Chambers, girl. I'll show you my Chambers.

带我去你房间里 妹子 我带你去

2. There's a bathroom chamber where they pee and poop and there's a nest chamber where they sleep.

有厕所供它们大小便 有用来睡觉的卧室

3. There's also side Chambers, where one prairie dog coming down meets another prairie dog coming up, and one of them backs into a side chamber so that the other one can go past, just like two cars on a narrow, winding mountain road.

还有偏厅 用来避免向下走 和向上走的土拨鼠撞车 其中一个缩进偏厅 让另一个通过 就像两辆车在狭窄的盘山道上相遇一样

4. Pull them out of the Chambers if we have to.

有必要的话 把他们从众议院拉出来

5. the chamber of secrets, you brought me this.

救了金妮 把它给我的时候

6. He'd follow me to my Chambers at night.

夜里 他会跟着我回房间

7. I was weary from my trip. I've been in my Chambers.

我旅途劳累 一直在房间里

8. I had a visitor to my Chambers this morning.


9. There are signs of a struggle in his Chambers.


10. That is, in theory, what I'm doing with my propulsion chamber.

这理论上 跟我活塞舱的设计一致



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

