中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [əˈrɪəz] 美 [əˈrɪrz]

n. 逾期债款, 欠帐
[经] 延迟, 积欠, 尾数

n. the state of being behind in payments
n. an unpaid overdue debt


1. I didn't pay my bills, so I'm in arrears.

我没钱付账单 都赊账了

2. It grieves me that my account languishes in arrears.

我的账户拖欠停用了 我很难过

3. Dawn, you do have some significant rent arrears.

唐恩 你拖欠了很多租金

4. I don't even know what arrears means, but it sounds terrible.

虽然我都不知道什么是债务危机 但它听起来很糟糕

5. You are three months in arrears, plus a fine for your late payment.

你已逾期欠款三月 外加拖欠的罰款

6. I also keep track of your administrative budget, which, in case you didn't know, is in arrears.

我还在关注你的行政预算 你还不知道吧 你已经深陷债款了

7. They have helped us recover significant sums from parties who had fallen into deep arrears.

他们曾帮助我们 收回多笔逾期贷款 金额甚巨

8. The club shuts off cards 24 hours before a member's name is placed on the arrears list.

俱乐部会员的名字出现在欠费名单前一天 门卡就会被注销



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

