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音标: 英 [wɔ:md]

v. (使)变暖, 被加热, 暖和起来( warm的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)变得更友好, 变得更可爱; 亲热

s. having been warmed up


1. The food is warm, the people are warm, the room is literally always warm, even when it's super cold out.

食物是温热的 人们也很热情 房间当然也确实很暖和 尽管外面寒风刺骨

2. to a nest of warm stories and warm hearts.


3. And if the bodies are warm or warm enough, they clean up some of the mess.

如果尸体足够温暖 它们会吃掉它

4. That's why you're here, to warm them up.

所以你才在这儿 给我取暖

5. A blanket only keeps your legs warm, and a hoodie only keeps your arms warm.

毛毯只能让你的腿暖和 帽衫只能让你的手臂暖和

6. But your heart is still warm, and you'll stay okay as long as we can keep it warm.

可是你的心是暖的 只要我们能让它保持温暖你就会没事的

7. Hehe's looking at me so desirous of my cup of this warm, warm wine that I give him a sip.

他看着我的杯子 充满了渴望 想喝这温暖的酒 我给他尝了一口

8. And the ocean's still warm, and with warm ocean currents, comes abundance of sea life.

海水还是很温热 与暖流同时到来的 是许许多多的海洋生物

9. On average, they're every two years but just like tossing a coin, you could get three heads in a row, sudden stratospheric warmings can occur in runs of winters or you can have long periods, like the 1990s, when there were no sudden stratospheric warmings for several years on end.

平均来说这些现象每两年发生一次 但像扔硬币一样 也许你扔三次都是正面 平流层爆发性增温也许会连续在几个冬季发生 但也可能像二十世纪九十年代 连续好几年平流层爆发性增温 都没有发生过

10. After all we've been through, that warms my heart.

我们有这么多过节 你这么说还真暖心



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

