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音标: 英 [ˌaʊt'du:] 美 [aʊtˈdu]

vt. 超越, 胜过, 战胜

v. get the better of


1. I tried to outdo him. I stole a car.

我想超过他 于是偷了辆车

2. You're trying to make me jealous so I'll outdo him.

你是想让我嫉妒 这样我就能超越他

3. You do a remake to outdo the original, that's what the kids said.

翻拍是为了超越原版 这是那帮孩子说的

4. Well, it hurts when your baby brother outdoes you.


5. And the other bomber hates you and now he wants to outdo you.

另一个炸弹客憎恨你 而且他现在想超越你

6. But in your haste to outdo his legacy, never forget that you are building your own.

但在你急着想延续他的传奇时 不要忘了你也在建造你自己的传奇

7. It was a bunch of really jealous people trying to outdo each other.

而是一群爱嫉妒的人 想要超越彼此

8. He's going to be outdoing himself from one victim to the next for a bigger thrill.

他会变本加厉 会让下一个受害者更加害怕

9. Calvin, I am not gonna pretend to choke myself just so you can outdo your brother.

卡尔文 我不会假装窒息 让你赢你兄弟

10. Long, long story, but I spent my formative years in a psych ward, and not to outdo you, but crazy girl carries a lot more stigma than coma girl.

说来话长了 但我在精神科病房里长大 不是我想秀优越什么的 但是 疯子可比植物人要承受的东西多多了



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