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音标: 英 ['bɔtәum]



1. You're a great bottom. I'm not a bottom.

你是个绝世好受 我不是受

2. It's fairly dry, which is what you want at the bottom of your sausage plait, cos you don't want a soggy bottom soaking through to that pastry in the bottom.

它很干 可以用来铺在派皮和香肠肉之间 避免水分润湿派皮 让派底变软

3. You have a stunt bottom? I could have a stunt bottom, yes.

你有臀部替身吗 我可以有啊

4. And if there were, we wouldn't be at the bottom of it.

就算有 我们也不可能垫底啊

5. If you're at the bottom more than once, that's it.

如果你一直垫底 就会被淘汰

6. If she's bottoming out, that's on her.

她跌到谷底 那是她自己的问题

7. And he sleeps in the bottom of a glass coffin in the bottom of an empty swimming pool.

他睡在一口 玻璃棺材里 棺材放在一个空泳池底

8. This message says we must keep what is on top on top, and what is at the bottom on the bottom.

这条信息说 我们必须保持 上下的顺序不能颠倒

9. I can feel things. It took hitting rock bottom to get there, and my rock bottom was the thought of losing you.

跌入谷底让我学会了感受 失去你的念头就是我的谷底

10. Double divorce pillhead with kids who don't talk to him, or heroin addict whose bottom was waking up in a motel with something stuck in his bottom.

孩子不理他 离婚两次的嗑药狂 还是在旅馆醒来 里塞着东西的 海洛因瘾者



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

