中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [diˈsi:vɪŋ]

v. 欺骗, 蒙骗( deceive的现在分词 )

v be false to; be dishonest with
v cause someone to believe an untruth


1. You're deceiving her and you're deceiving yourself.

你在騙她 也在騙你自己

2. Your father has deceived you, as he deceived me.

你的父王欺骗了你 正如他欺骗了我一样

3. Forgive me, lord, for I have deceived, I am deceiving, and I will continue to deceive the holy father.

原谅我 主 原谅我背叛了圣父大人 原谅我仍在背叛他 原谅我还是会继续背叛他

4. This gives you the capacity to deceive me and be deceived by me.

这也使你能够欺骗我 或被我蒙蔽

5. It's not that someone else would deceive you but that you would be deceived by yourself.

不是别人会骗你们 而是你们 会自己骗自己

6. Either your whole team is deceiving you, or one person is deceiving that whole team.

要么就是你的整支队伍在骗你 要么就是某个人在欺骗整个队伍

7. A conspiracy intended to destroy the lives of those who would reveal its true purpose: to conduct experiments on unwitting victims to further a secret agenda for someone within government operating at levels without restraint or responsibility, without morals or conscience, men who pretend to honour as they deceive, the price of this betrayal the lives and reputations of those deceived.

这些阴谋要毁掉 那些找寻真相的人 对一些不知情的受害者 进行实验 这是来自政府层面的秘密计划 没有约束和不负责任 没有道德和良知的做法 他们粉饰谎言 这种背叛的代价就是 受骗者要付出生命和名誉

8. You won't deceive the cardinal with that.


9. That's because you're medicated but that could be deceiving.

那是因为你接受了药物治疗 这种感觉是具有欺骗性的

10. I lied, and I... deceived my hu and.

我撒谎了 我... 我骗了我丈夫



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

