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音标: 英 [ˈlaɪflaɪk] 美 [ˈlaɪfˌlaɪk]

a. 栩栩如生的, 逼真的, 酷象实物的

s. free from artificiality


1. They're crafted to look as lifelike as possible.


2. The more lifelike the eyes are, the better the stuffer.

眼睛越是栩栩如生 工人水平就越高

3. More lifelike are these puppets than any you've yet seen.

这是你从未见过的 最逼真的木偶

4. That's my lifelike mouth with authentic jaw action.

这是我的仿真人带口部模拟 嘴

5. She looks very lifelike, once you typed in whatever you wanted.

输入任何你想要的 她执行的都很逼真

6. You know, I, uh, can't help but notice you're a lot more lifelike around her.

其实我早就注意到 你身边有她在的时候你会更加真实

7. I think the shorter one is the tall one's very lifelike marionette.

我觉得矮个子是高个子的 真人提线木偶

8. I'm not an artist who is formally trained and who is doing oils and, like, rendering lifelike drawings.

我这个艺术家 没受过专业训练 不画油画 不画写生

9. Well, yes, robots can seem very human and lifelike, but that's because we programme you to behave like that.

是啊 机器人是可以很像人类 但那时因为我们预先植入了相关程序

10. Complete with lifelike skin, manmade limbs could even look like the real thing, too.

有了逼真的人造皮肤之后 人造四肢看上去和真的一样



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

