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音标: 英 [ˈheləvə] 美 [ˈhɛləvə]

a. 很难的, 很大的


1. I had with eyewitnesses who say that this explosion was a helluva lot bigger, and a helluva lot worse than what would happen if you dropped a match into a fuel tank of a boat.

之间的对话 证人说这次爆炸要比往油箱里扔一根火柴 会产生的爆炸来得 猛烈得多

2. It's a '66, right? It's a helluva a car.

66年产的对吗 是一辆好车

3. You need us a helluva lot more than we need you.


4. Not only is she a helluva salesperson, she's the hardest worker I've ever seen.

她不仅仅是极其出色的销售 也是我见过的工作最勤奋刻苦的人

5. Those guys just earned themselves a helluva hangover when they get back.

他们回来后 一定要好好大醉一场

6. helluva day when a gunfight's the second most excitin' thing that happens to you.

真够劲 枪战都算不上今天发生的 最 的事

7. You give a name like that to your juice, it better have a helluva kick.

给你的酒起那样的名字 它最好劲力够大

8. Could make things a helluva lot worse for every man, woman, and child behind these walls.


9. Something that invades in large numbers, causes great irritation and is a helluva job to get rid of.

那種大規模入侵 製造麻煩還賊難弄死的小東西



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

