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音标: 英 [mækˈsɪli] 美 [mæksɪ'li:]

[医] 上颌骨

n the jaw in vertebrates that is fused to the cranium


1. These recent contusions are on the ribs, zygomatic, maxilla and mandible.

这些近期的擦伤位于肋骨 颧骨 上颌骨和下颌骨处

2. The explosion shifted the placement of the teeth in the maxilla and mandible.

爆炸使牙齿移位到 上下颌骨里了

3. Looks like the bullet entered the maxilla and lodged in the vertex.

子弹似乎进入了颌骨 嵌在了顶部

4. The dimensions of the orbital sockets, zygomatic process, mandible and maxilla all line up.

眼眶 颧突 下颌骨及上颌骨的 尺寸都和照片匹配上了

5. I am noticing deep incisions to the nasal bones, zygomatic arches and the maxilla.

我注意到 鼻骨 颧弓和上颌骨 有几处很深的切口

6. As you'll recall, the lampreys left significant abrasion marks on the clavicles, the scapula, the mandible and the maxilla.

你应该记得 七鳃鳗在锁骨 肩胛骨 下颌骨和上颌骨上 留下了明显的擦痕

7. The left side of the frontal bone, including the supraorbital foramen, as well as the maxilla, and the right zygomatic are all missing.

前额骨的左侧 包括眼眶孔 上颌骨 以及右颧骨部位都没找到

8. Both of the maxilla as well as the mandibular were seemingly separated after the cutis and the subcutaneous tissue were detached evidently with a coarsetoothed saw.

上下颚似乎均在 真皮与皮下组织分开后 被分隔开 用的一定是粗齿锯



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

