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音标: 英 [ˈkærɪkəˌtʃʊəd]

v. 用漫画表现或夸张描述、模仿…( caricature的过去式和过去分词 )

v represent in or produce a caricature of


1. We have a caricature of him on the wall.


2. Look, you shouldn't have taken down my caricature.


3. You couldn't do a caricature of him because there's no features to exaggerate.

你无法画出他的讽刺画画像 因为他没有什么特征是可以进行夸大的

4. We find the grinning, redfaced caricature to be offensive.


5. Hirsch, a composite sketch is not like one of your caricatures.

赫希 一份素描画像 和你的讽刺漫画不一样

6. If you're going to pretend to be a doctor, don't dress as a caricature of one.

你要是想伪装成博士 至少也别模仿得那么滑稽

7. He took him to the mall and had caricatures drawn of them riding oldtimey bicycles together.

他还带他去商场 让人给他们画漫画 画他们一起骑老式的自行车的样子

8. I'm pretty handy, and my friend here, um, can draw fanciful caricatures of your patrons.

我挺能干的 我的朋友 可以为你的客人画讽刺漫画

9. I mean, every time I get one of those caricatures from a guy on the street, my hair is, like, enormous.

每次我在街头让人家给我画那种速写像的时候 他们都会给我画超多头发

10. Um, famous, but as a caricature that confirms men's prejudices against women frivolous, ditzy, obsessed with buying shoes, silly, pretty, tragic little bonbon good for , good for scorn, nothing in between.

非常著名 也是对男性对女性偏见的一种讽刺 轻浮 轻佻 喜欢买鞋子 愚蠢 美丽 悲剧的小可怜 容易 容易藐视 别的就没了



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