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音标: 英 ['trʌŋkfʊl] 美 ['trʌŋkfʊl]

n. 一满箱, 许多

n. As much as a trunk will hold; enough to fill a trunk.


1. And he throws him into the trunk, closes the trunk.

把他扔到后备箱里 关上后备箱

2. ...wearing black trunks with white stripes and his opponent, weighing 174 pounds, wearing white trunks with black stripes.

身着白条纹黑色运动短裤 他的对手 重158斤 身着黑条纹白色运动短裤

3. And I politely tell her that I didn't bring my trunks, and just like that, her maid's bringing a pair of surf trunks belonging to the big guy.

然后我礼貌地告诉她我没带泳裤 紧接着 她的女佣拿来了她丈夫的冲浪泳裤

4. They're incredibly intelligent animals, and what it would do, it would stop, it would put out its trunk, it would have a sniff, and very easily it would put that huge powerful trunk against it and it would ash this thing to ithereens.

大象是非常聪明的动物 它会怎么做呢 它会停下来 伸出鼻子 闻一闻 它会用它大而有力的鼻子推摄像机 把它碾成碎片

5. We're going to bury a car halfway deep so that just the trunk's sticking out, recreate the crash by dropping another car at 150 feet so that it hits at freeway speed with 50 pounds of binary explosive in the trunk.

把一辆车的前半身埋到地底 只露出后备箱部分 另一辆车从46米高处落下 这样碰撞时的速度 将高速公路的设定时速相似 且后备箱内装了23千克的二元炸药

6. How did you get here? I was in your trunk.

你是怎么来的 我就在后备箱里头

7. Then why was he in the trunk? I have no idea.

那为什么会在 的后备箱里 不知道

8. But I I was unconscious in the trunk.


9. They might already be in your trunk.


10. His trunk's in the kitchen, and his owl.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

