中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈfɒləʊə(r)] 美 [ˈfɑloɚ]

n. 从者, 属下, 追补者
[电] 随动机

n. a person who accepts the leadership of another
n. someone who travels behind or pursues another


1. And his following followed him here, and now we have a following.

而他的追随者追随他到我们这了 所以我们店也有追随者了

2. You're not following me. I am following you.

你没明白我的意思 我明白你的意思

3. He followed you once, so make him follow you again.

他曾经追随过你 那就让他再次听你的

4. The night you followed her, I followed you.

你跟踪她的那一夜 我跟踪了你

5. You were following us, weren't you? I was not following you.

你在跟踪我们 是吧? 我才没有跟踪你们

6. They're following me and they're probably following you too.

他们在跟踪我 而且很可能也盯上你了

7. She gave up everything to follow him, to follow you.

她抛弃了一切追踪他 追踪你

8. We have orders to follow, and follow them, we will.

我们必须遵守命令 我们也会遵守命令

9. If you're not gaining followers, you're losing followers.

如果你的追随者不增加 就是在减少

10. I think we have to follow them so that we have the option of having followed them.

我觉得我们该跟上他们 这样我们有跟踪他们这个选择



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

