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音标: 英 ['baɪfɜ:keɪtɪd] 美 [baɪ'fɜ:kɪtɪd]

a. 分为两部分
v. (指道路、河流、树枝等)分岔, 分成两支( bifurcate的过去式和过去分词 ); 使分枝, 使分叉

s. divided into or made up of two parts


1. Richard, we have to bifurcate our relationship.

理查德 我们得区分一下我们的关系

2. Hah, there just distal to the aortic bifurcation.

在这呢 在主动脉杈的末梢

3. So your hu and has what is called a bifurcated vena cava.


4. We have found a way to bifurcate our lives and make it work.

我们已经找到办法 处理我们之间的不同 而且行之有效

5. Well, where the curse of the bifurcated boat is involved, nothing is certain.

既然有"劈船为二"的诅咒 什么事都不好说

6. Okay, in position at the bifurcation of the right and left hepatic ducts.

好了 到了左右肝管交叉的地方了 好了 到了左右肝管交叉的地方了

7. But I found aspirated skin fragments at the bifurcation of the victim's primary bronchi.

但我在受害人主支气管的分叉处 发现了被吸入的皮肤碎片

8. after seven years of waiting to find out if we could actually bifurcate a boat, we're ready to go.

七年的等待过后 我们终于要揭晓 到底可不可以将一艘船一分为二 我们准备好了

9. Yes, that kind of bifurcation of roles makes sense, when you're dealing with a single meal at a time.

没错 当你每次只有一顿饭的时候 这种角色划分是有道理的

10. Seven years in the making, four channel markers, three boats, a barge, and a crane, but nothing could bifurcate the boat until now.

历时七年 四个航标杆 三艘小船 一艘驳船 一辆吊车 没有一样东西能将小船一分为二 直到现在



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

