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音标: 英 [dɪˈvaɪs] 美 [dɪˈvaɪs]

n. 装置, 设计, 策略, 发明物, 设备
[计] 设备; DOS内部命令:该命令要求DOS安装一个设备驱动程序

n. an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose
n. something in an artistic work designed to achieve a particular effect
n. any clever maneuver
n. any ornamental pattern or design (as in embroidery)


1. There are no listening devices, no visual recording devices, no compromising devices of any kind.

任何监听 录像设备 隐藏设备都没有

2. if a device is similar to an existing device.


3. And some device manufacturers use that fact to hide device problems.

而有些器械生产厂家 用这个事实来掩盖器械问题

4. First, you need to understand, what this device is used for and why we are researching this device.

首先你们需要了解 这个装置是用来做什么的 以及我们为什么要研究这个装置

5. We'll search for an incendiary device, but even the device survived the fire, it would be weeks, maybe months before any conclusion, and that's if we are lucky.

我们会试着寻找引火装置 但就算装置在火灾中保存了下来 要得出结论也得花上数周甚至数月的时间 如果我们幸运的话

6. I attempted to photograph the material using my mobile phone, but the device was equipped with an infrared sensor that shut it down in proximity to digital devices.

我试着用手机 拍下文件 但那个设备内置红外传感器 感应到附近有数码产品就会自动关闭

7. They've summoned him for their own devices.


8. No, that's because it's a remotedetonating device.

不 那是因为炸弹是远程控制的

9. And I have a thought about the device.


10. Okay, then... we'll check your devices then.

那行吧 我们来调查下你的设备



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

