中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɪmˌprɒbəblɪ] 美 [ɪmˌprɒbəblɪ]

adv. 未必会地, 不象真实地

r not easy to believe


1. It's an improbable case, statistically and otherwise.

从统计学等方面来说 这不太可能

2. I'll grant that your appearance is a statistical improbability.

我承认 你的出现在统计学上概率极低

3. I considered it a statistical improbability that I would ever see you again.

我觉得从统计学的角度讲 我不太可能再见到你了

4. In our line of work, improbable means not an accident.

干我们这行 不太可能就表示并非意外

5. Well, you know, "everyone" would be statistically improbable.

你知道 "大家"在统计学上是不可能的

6. 98%, which makes it more like highly improbable.

百分之九十八 基本上就是不可能

7. There was once a woman who lived the most extraordinary and improbable life.

有这样一位女性 她过着不同寻常 令人难以置信的生活

8. When we started this improbable campaign, we were told this couldn't be done that I couldn't do it, that you wouldn't do it.

当我们开始这次竞选时 希望渺茫 有人告诉我们 这是不可能的 我不可能赢 你们不会选我

9. just highly improbable, which as luck would have it, is our stock in trade.

是不太可能 但幸运的是 我们有特殊的技巧

10. Oh, my boy, that is one outstandingly improbable name.

我的孩子 这可真是个独特的名字



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

