中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['stitʃiŋ]

[机] 缀缝熔接, 柄, 货; 库存的, 现有的; 买进, 装柄, 储藏

n joining or attaching by stitches
v fasten by sewing; do needlework


1. He is my uncle, so every stitch is stitched with blood.

他是我舅舅 所以每一针都缝入了血

2. No training but I've stitched up about anything that can be stitched.

没受过训练 但我什么都能缝

3. I am gonna break you down and build you back up stitch by stitch.

我要让你改头换面 焕发新生 从头到脚

4. I cut when I should've stitched or stitched when I should've cut.

我割开了本应需要缝的地方 或者缝起来了该割的

5. Then the edge, we did stitching here.

边缘 边缘是缝合连接的

6. Had to hold him down while they stitched him up.

他们给他缝针时 我得一直按着他

7. I can't stitch him if he won't settle down.

如果他不冷静下来 我没办法缝合

8. It should. I put 100 stitches in you.

应该会疼 我缝了100针

9. I did, but they stitched me up good. I'm fine.

是的 不过他们给我缝合了 我没事

10. I mean you drove him here, I stitched him up.

我是说 你送他到这里来 我给他缝针



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

