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音标: 英 [ˌdi:'reɡjʊleɪt] 美 [diˈrɛɡjəˌlet]

[法] 解除管制

v. lift the regulations on


1. This is deregulated space we're swimming in.

我们现在呆的地方 可没有任何管制

2. The culture of deregulation culminates in 1999.


3. Deregulation bill is the first of a hundred, ready and waiting.

去监管法案只是个开头 还有数百份 都蓄势待发

4. We get him, we get all the votes we need to deregulate the banks.

我们争取到他 就争取到了所有 解除银行管制所需的票数

5. I'll give you my next paycheck if it doesn't turn out that some department was defunded or some industry was deregulated.

我拿这个月的工资跟你打赌 要么是某部门拨款不足 要么是某行业放松了管制

6. You know, they beg for deregulation, like tigers begging to be let out of a cage.

他们乞求放宽监管 就像老虎乞求被放出笼子一样

7. I believe that there's progress to make on jobs and education, on military spending, and financial deregulation.

我相信我们仍有很多工作要做 来创造就业 改革教育 军费支出 降低金融监管

8. 'causing a slight deregulation of my oxygen to my brain which in turn affected my oculomotor nerve.

使我的大脑供氧量出现了微度反常 而这又影响了我的动眼神经

9. deregulation, getting rid of rules that govern the people who run our institutions, especially our corporations.

还鼓励放松管制 不再管制机构 特别是企业的管理者

10. They all seemed to be taking root in the mainstream community, but then, of course, they were obliterated as soon as the government deregulated psychopharmaceutical drugs.

它們似乎都成為了 新的主流療法 但后來 政府解除了對精神藥物的管制 那些療法也就都被廢除了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

