中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌtrɪbjʊ'leɪʃn] 美 [ˌtrɪbjəˈleʃən]

n. 苦难, 困苦, 苦难的缘由

n an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event


1. I have read of your tribulations of late.

我读过 你最近的种种磨难

2. He sees the pain you're in, the tribulations you've endured.

他看到了你的痛苦 你承受的苦难

3. I know through all his trials and tribulations, you were his rock.

在他面临过的所有考验和磨难中 你是他的依靠

4. His week spots, traumas and tribulations, his sins.

他的每一個污點 創傷 苦難還有他的罪孽

5. Everyone has their trials and tribulations, it's how one chooses to respond.

每个人都要经历困苦 如何应对才是关键

6. Look, I am not comfortable at the pace at which we deal with new trials and tribulations.

我不喜欢我们遭遇新考验 和苦难的频率

7. Genoa is an ancient trading city that through the centuries survived many tribulations.

热那亚是一座古代贸易城市 几世纪以来幸免于诸多磨难

8. Please explain to me all the hardships and tribulations of bein' a white man in this country.

请向我解释一下在这个国家身为白人男子 有多艰难痛苦

9. The whole theme of the bedroom is love, or rather the trials and tribulations and complications of earthly love.

整个卧室的主题就是爱 或者说是俗世爱情需要面对的 考验 磨难和纷繁

10. But it's the struggle to understand why that we come to find out that the only certainty in life are the trials and tribulations we must endure.

我们最终发现 生命中唯一确定的事 就是那些坎坷和苦难 这真是令人费解



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

