中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ʌn'ri:tʃəbl] 美 ['ʌn'ri:tʃəbəl]

a. 不能到达的, 不能得到的
[计] 执行不到的

s inaccessibly located or situated


1. And most of his family too, is dead or unreachable.


2. But, as I said, she's unreachable at the moment.

但是 像我说的 她现在遥不可及

3. They're sequestered and unreachable at their retreat abroad.

他们正躲藏在国外的避难处 联系不到他们

4. He's tried the chancellor's unreachable for another hour.

他试过了 但一小时后才能联系到总理

5. And the man I have working inside has gone dark he's unreachable.

接头的内线消失了 我联系不到

6. Every man worth the name knows the value of being unreachable.

每个人都配拥有 识而不得的价值

7. Another two are on active missions in classified locations, thus unreachable.

另外两个人目前正在机密地点执行任务 因此无法联系上

8. I just don't want to see you rule out teams or get an unreachable draft number in your head.

我只是不想看你挑挑拣拣 或者在无法比肩的顺位被选中

9. Yes, of a city state so all that it has no outlet to the sea, and in order to survive, its leader has to make himself as unreachable as a rock star.

是的 這個城邦國家是如此的小 連出海口都沒有 為了生存 它的領導者不得不把自己塑造成 搖滾明星那樣可望而不可即的形象



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

