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音标: 英 [ə'feɪzɪə] 美 [əˈfeʒə]

n. 失语症
[医] 语言不能, 失语[症]

n. inability to use or understand language (spoken or written) because of a brain lesion


1. Yeah, I think I know what nominal aphasia is.

对 我知道什么是命名性失语症

2. The inability to recall prepositions is a common symptom of aphasia.

想不起来介词 就是失语症的一个常见症状

3. The impact caused a subarachnoid hemorrhage resulting in global aphasia.

事故引发了蛛网膜下出血 导致了完全失语症

4. She's found some trees. I'm afraid your mother is suffering from receptive aphasia.

她找到了一些树 我担心你母亲 罹患了感觉性失语症

5. You could try it, but the aphasia spell I already cast in anticipation might make it difficult.

你可以试试 不过 我预先就下好的失语症 也许会让这变得有些困难

6. Surge like that could have disrupted his neural patterns, created memory deficits, aphasia.

那冲击波可能有伤到他的脑神经 造成记忆缺失 失语症

7. In the last 24 hours, four patients describe episodes of metamorphopsia and concurrent aphasia.

过去二十四小时内 四位患者 出现视物变形症状 以及并发性失语

8. Symptoms of critical corruption: loss of motor functions, cognitive dissonance, time slippage, aphasia, prosopagnosia.

严重受损的症状如下 丧失机动能力 认知失调 时间失稳 失去语言及人脸识别能力

9. After killing, our unsub is probably lying dormant, either recuperating from physical exertion or possibly developing aphasia and convulsive attacks.

杀人后 不明嫌犯可能会躺下休息 养精蓄锐 不然可能会出现失语症和惊厥

10. We had initial success with the regenerative properties of the guesthost tissue, but after the initial physical recovery, the subjects began to deteriorate mentally, displaying hypergraphia, aphasia, catatonia, or just complete psychosis.

我们一开始 在宾主组织的再生能力方面取得了成功 但一开始的身体恢复过后 目标的身体情况开始恶化 表现出多写症 失语症和紧张症 或者直接变成精神病



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

