中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [drɔ:] 美 [drɔ]

vi. 拉, 拖, 拔剑
vt. 拖拉, 挨近, 领取, 打成平局, 引导, 抽签决定, 画, 描写, 制订, 草拟, 吸引
n. 拉, 拖, 拔出, 抽签, 平局
[计] 翻牌, 绘图

n. a gully that is shallower than a ravine
n. the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided
n. anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random
n. a playing card or cards dealt or taken from the pack


1. Life drawing. If you can draw a nude figure, you can draw anything.

人体素描 只要画好裸体人像 你就啥都能画了

2. I draw pictures while you draw blood.

我挥毫舞墨 而你舞刀弄枪

3. To be honest, it's nice to be drawing just to draw again.

说老实话 为画画而画画 感觉很好

4. Our friend wasn't drawing stars, he was drawing a target.

我们的朋友不是在画星星 他是在画目标

5. Seriously, I can't draw crap, but I can draw this.

讲真 我什么都画不来 但我可以画这个

6. I draw outside, I draw animals, they're peaceful.

我画了外面的世界 画了动物 一切都很祥和

7. We can draw. I can also draw you if you want.

我们可以画画 你要想我也可以画你

8. draw a square, draw another square, connect 'em.

画个正方形 再画一个 连起来

9. He draws, he draws bisons on the wall and other, you know, but basically bisons.

他在墙上画野牛 还有其他的东西 但基本上都是野牛

10. Just draw the dark parts, don't draw the light parts.

画下阴影的部分 不要画下亮的部分



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

