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音标: 英 [wɪŋk] 美 [wɪŋk]

n. 眨眼, 使眼色, 瞬间
vi. 眨眼, 使眼色, 闪烁
vt. 眨

n. closing one eye quickly as a signal
v. signal by winking
v. force to go away by blinking


1. This wink you're doing with your tongue and your eyes, it's not a wink.

你用舌头和眼睛做的这种 不叫抛媚眼

2. When you've got the munchies, for some reason wink, wink you crave weird.

出于某种原因 当你找到零食的时候 你那极度渴望的眼神

3. And I had plans tonight that kind of turned to garbage, so I just ended up eating a couple special brownies, wink, wink.

今晚本来有安排 结果一场空 所以我吃了 两个特制巧克力蛋糕 "眨眼眨眼"

4. I thought you were telling me with a wink.


5. It's winking at me. I can't look at it anymore.

它在向我眨眼 我不能再看它了

6. And I know it's not an accident because she winks after she does it.

我知道不是意外 因为之后她会眨眼

7. Princess, help me. I haven't slept a wink.

小姐 请帮帮我 我一夜未曾闭眼

8. II met her at my office, she winked at me.

我是在我办公室认识她的 她对我抛媚眼

9. This city runs on a handshake and a wink.


10. Just because you wink doesn't make it a thing.

就算你眨眼 也还是不存在



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

