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音标: 英 [dɪ'vɔ:s] 美 [dɪˈvɔrs, -ˈvors]

n. 离婚
vt. 与...离婚

n. the legal dissolution of a marriage
v. get a divorce; formally terminate a marriage


1. It's not my divorce, my boyfriend is going through a divorce.

不是我离婚 我男朋友正在离婚

2. I'm the product of divorce, and she's produced three divorces.

我是离婚的产物 而她制造了三次离婚

3. So, are you divorced or not? I am. I am.

所以 你有没有离婚呢 离了

4. If they get a divorce or if they don't get a divorce, they'll still be your mom and dad.

不管他们离不离婚 他们还是你的父母

5. If you're divorced from social norms, it's because you're divorced from a side of yourself I can't see because you're terrified of letting people see it.

如果你背离了社会规范 那也是因为你背离了我看不到的那一个自我 因为你害怕让别人看到那一面

6. I'm just gonna come out and say it divorce or no divorce, you two look like a thousand bucks.

我就打算直说了 不管你俩离没离婚 你俩看起来都很棒

7. They'll be divorced by the time I'm through.

带完回来 他们就该离婚了

8. I'm not here to argue you out of your divorce.


9. So this is about your divorce settlement.


10. If you do this for me, I'll give you your divorce.

如果你为我做 我会和你离婚的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

