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音标: 英 [təˈpɒgrəfɪ] 美 [təˈpɑɡrəfɪ]

n. 地志, 地形学, 地势, 局部解剖学
[医] 局部解剖, 局部记载

n. the configuration of a surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features
n. precise detailed study of the surface features of a region


1. It doesn't work with the flat topography of the midwest.


2. Obviously, I memorized and studied the topography before we left.


3. This wasn't just topography, wasn't just land, it was their homeland.

这不只是地貌 不只是土地 这是他们的家园

4. That ship is over the horizon from us and the topography's hell on harpoons.

戰列艦離我們太遠了 而且地勢對魚叉很不利

5. It's a map of the topography of the planet and the entire tunnel system below.

这是一张星球地形图 包括地下的整个隧道系统

6. When he turns to the topography of Ireland, it's like the calm that descends after a storm.

当篇幅开始转向对爱尔兰领土的描述时 文笔就像是风暴过后的平静

7. Six so far, but the topography makes me think we're gonna find more.

目前为止六具 但是看地形 应该还会有更多

8. Just the change in topography across the country as you drive is remarkable.

全国各地一路开下来 单看地貌的变化这一点就很奇特

9. So, according to the topography, the signal would've most likely come from somewhere west.

所以 根据地形 这个信号最可能是从西边的某地传来的

10. You know, the farther you get upstate, the topography just goes batshit.

你往北走得越远 地形就越糟糕



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

