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音标: 英 [rəʊˈbɒtɪks] 美 [roˈbɑtɪks]

[计] 机器人学, 自动机工程学

n. the area of AI concerned with the practical use of robots


1. I bet some robots kill some other robots.


2. What's wrong with robots? It's not the robots, it's the people.

機器人怎么了 不是機器人 而是人

3. Yes. I have numerous robotic mechani s because I'm a robot.

没错 我有很多机械部件 因为我是机器人

4. We're all gonna be replaced by robots, so the only way to survive is to become a robot.

我们都会被机器人取代的 所以唯一的生存途径就是成为机器人

5. You know, for a guy who doesn't have a license in robotics, you kind of got a lot of robotics here.

对于一个没有机器人执照的人来说 你这里的机器人有点多啊

6. They say robots are gonna take over the world one day, but I hope it's not these robots.

他們說機器人有天會掌控地球 但我希望不要是這些機器人

7. It's a robot hall of horrors where you can buy dessert made by an actual frozenyogurt robot.

里面全是恐怖的机器人 你可以在里面买到 机器人做的甜品

8. We like to stereotype robots as entities of pure logic, but of course in "2001," it all goes horribly wrong and we have to kill the robot.

我们对机器人的刻板印象是 纯逻辑的实体 当然在《2001》中 它犯了可怕的错误 我们不得不杀了它

9. All the robot cares about is that the nerves in his leg aren't communicating with his muscles, which means they can't communicate with the sensors in the prosthesis, which means the robot leg won't work.

智能假肢只在乎他腿的神经 没有和肌肉进行互动 这意味着它们无法与假肢上的传感器互动 也就是说智能假肢没用

10. It's just I keep thinking you're trying to get robots to act like people, and, unfortunately, no matter how sophisticated they are, they're still robots.

不过我一直在想 你想要把机器人当人类使 可惜无论设计有多精妙 它们始终还是机器人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

