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音标: 英 [kənˈfeʃn] 美 [kənˈfɛʃən]

n. 承认, 坦白, 招供
[法] 自白, 招供, 自认有罪

n. an admission of misdeeds or faults
n. a written document acknowledging an offense and signed by the guilty party
n. (Roman Catholic Church) the act of a penitent disclosing his sinfulness before a priest in the sacrament of penance in the hope of absolution
n. a public declaration of your faith


1. Time for you to confess. I have nothing to confess.

该你忏悔了 我没什么可忏悔的

2. You want me to confess? I confess I hate this night.

你想让我认罪吗 我认罪 我恨今晚

3. I have no idea why he confessed, why he still, to this day, stands by that confession.

我不知道他为什么要坦白 为什么直到今天都不改证词

4. He has, but this isn't a confession.

了解 但这不是认罪口供

5. If you're worried he didn't confess before the lord took him, you could still confess for him.

要是你担心他在那之前不愿意坦白 你也可以替他坦白

6. What are we doing here? I confessed.

我们在这做什么 我已经认罪了

7. I have a notation that you have willfully confessed to these crimes and that the confession is admissible as evidence.

我发现你是主动坦白的 而你的供述可以被采纳为证据

8. Yes, I confess, I confess I believed in the true faith with my whole soul.

是的 我供认 我供认自己全心全意地 相信过那些真正的信仰

9. And when I wouldn't confess to these crimes, her team tried to leverage a confession by fear and coercion.

而当我不愿意承认犯下这些罪状 她的团队试图通过恐吓和高压 来逼迫我认罪

10. Yeah, they violated his right to counsel, which means the judge will have to suppress the confession, and if the confession is suppressed, then the evidence of the rope, which places my client at the crime scene, gets suppressed, as well.

是的 他们违反了他请律师的权利 这意味着法官将不得不将供词排除在证据外 如果排除了供词 那么证明我的委托人 在犯罪现场的绳子证据 也会被排除



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