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音标: 英 [haɪˈpɒtənju:z] 美 [haɪˈpɑtn:ˌus, -ˌjus]

n. (直角三角形之)斜边

n. the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle


1. The fluctuations of the hypotenuse alter the 's shape.


2. Compromise is the shared hypotenuse of the conjoined s of success.

妥协是这两个成功三角 共有的斜边

3. Sine is the ratio of the opposite side of the over the hypotenuse.

正弦值是直角三角形中 对边的长 比上斜边的长的值

4. The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.

直角三角形斜边的平方 等于 直角两边长度的平方和

5. You know, I was blown away that the square of the hypotenuse was the sum of the squares of the opposite sides.

我被斜边边长的平方等于 对边边长平方和迷得神魂颠倒

6. If memory serves me, one is an element you find in antiseptic, and the other has to do with right angles, or hypotenuse something like that.

如果我没记错 一个是抗菌剂中的一种元素 另一个和直角有关 或者斜边 这之类的

7. Because no amount of friends, no girl, no assignments about conjugating the pluperfect or determining the square root of the hypotenuse is gonna help me avoid my fate.

不管我交多少朋友 泡多少妹子 学多少文法 背多少遍勾股定理 都是一样的归宿



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

