中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌɪntrəˈdʌktərɪ] 美 [ˌɪntrəˈdʌktərɪ]

a. 介绍的, 引导的, 开端的

s. serving to open or begin
s. serving as an introduction or preface


1. The teams have created introductory videos about themselves.

两队人马都制作了宣传视频 来展现他们自己

2. You know, if you're interested, we offer an introductory session.

如果你感兴趣的话 可以来上一节宣讲课

3. I've done the introductory seminar, and...another one.

去过入门简介那节 然后还去了一次

4. However, it requires that you have completed several introductory sessions.

但它需要你完成 几个引导会话控制

5. I've prepared an introductory packet to our emergency medicine program.

我准备了一个介绍资料包 帮助你们了解我们的急诊医学项目

6. Take her hand, exchange pleasantries, standard introductory behavior.

握握手 寒暄一番 标准的自我介绍

7. And what goes on in there past those introductory asses ents, that remains a mystery to us.

通过入会评估以后的情况 我们仍无从得知

8. He's a good guy, but I swear he cheated his way through introductory physics.

他是个好人 但我发誓他一直在物理入门课上作弊

9. Now, I'm giving you all a low, low special introductory price.

我会跟你们一个很低很低的 开业特别折扣

10. I also have the introductory letter written to my mother as well as the forms from the website filled out.

我还给我妈妈写了我的自我介绍 以及填完了网上的那些表



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

