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音标: 英 [ˌmi:tiəˈrɒlədʒɪst] 美 [ˌmi:tiəˈrɑ:lədʒɪst]

n. 气象学者

n. a specialist who studies processes in the earth's atmosphere that cause weather conditions


1. to get this, be an onair meteorologist.


2. I don't think so, pal, 'cause I'm a parttime meteorologist.

恕不苟同 伙计 我可是业余气象学家

3. And... frankly, I can't imagine a more exciting place to be a meteorologist.

老实说 身为一个气象学者 世界上没有比身处此地更令人兴奋的了

4. It's a scale that meteorologists use to measure thunderstorm activity.

是气象学家用来 衡量雷暴活动的等级

5. meteorologists are saying the incident was probably caused by a tornado which sucked up water and fish from a lake and dropped them miles away.

气象学家说此次事件 可能是由飓风引起的 飓风把湖里的水和鱼吸到上空 然后几英里外的地方抛了下来

6. Well, it makes sense to me as a meteorologist that something as hugely energetic as a hurricane can have a big influence on the system, if you like, the atmosphere and the ocean's system.

对我这个气象学家来说这是可以理解的 类似于飓风这样的 高能量体可以对 气候系统和海洋系统之类的系统 产生巨大的影响

7. So, for example, we have satellites and radar but there's no substitute for actually being up there at the place in the sky where the weather's happening and the piece of kit that gets you there is crucial for meteorologists and it's this a very, very large balloon.

比如 我们有卫星和雷达 但是什么都比不上真正飞到天空中去 在气候现象发生之处一探究竟 而带你飞上空中的这套装备 对气象学家来说至关重要 那就是这个一个非常非常大的气球



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