中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [bi:t] 美 [bit]

n. 心跳(声), 打, 敲打声, 拍子
v. 打, 拍打, 打败
a. 疲乏的, 颓废的
[计] 拍; 节拍

n. a regular route for a sentry or policeman
n. a single pulsation of an oscillation produced by adding two waves of different frequencies; has a frequency equal to the difference between the two oscillations
n. the sound of stroke or blow
n. a regular rate of repetition


1. They beat me and beat me and beat me.

他们一直打我 不停地打我

2. Not again. If we could just... beat by beat.

不能再取消了 能不能一步一步来

3. Either you're beating them, or they're beating you.

要么你痛打別人 要么別人痛打你

4. Because if I can beat it, I'll beat it.

因为如果可能的话 我一定能战胜它

5. Just like a human heart beating, beating, beating.

像一颗心脏一样不停跳动 跳动

6. Her heart, it's not beating! It's not beating.

她没有心跳 她没心跳了

7. You didn't beat me that day. I beat myself.

那天你没有打败我 是我打败了自己

8. And she got beat and she got beat and she got beat until she got renal failure.

她一直挨打 一直挨打 一直挨打 直到最后肾衰竭

9. Imagine hearing the sound of a heart beating, beating, beating and wanting more than anything to feed.

试想一下你们能听到心跳的声音 一下一下地跳着 而你们满脑子想的都只是吸血

10. Rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, and, of course, scissors beats paper.

石头胜剪刀 布胜石头 当然 剪刀胜布



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

