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音标: 英 ['herəʊɪn] 美 [ˈhɛroɪn]

n. 海洛因, 吗啡
[化] 海洛因; 二醋吗啡; 二乙酰吗啡

n. a narcotic that is considered a hard drug; a highly addictive morphine derivative; intravenous injection provides the fastest and most intense rush


1. Because of a heroin overdose, a massive heroin overdose.

因為海洛因過量 海洛因嚴重過量

2. The boxes weren't carrying the heroin, the boxes are the heroin. It's baked in the cardboard.

那些箱子里没有装海洛因 那些箱子就是海洛因 它们在硬纸板里

3. Since it's synthetic heroin, an opioid manufactured to replicate a heroin high.

从进化成合成海洛因开始 这是一种批量生产模拟海洛因毒瘾的类鸦片

4. The cocaine takes the bottom off the heroin and the heroin takes the top off the cocaine.

海洛因游走完 可卡因又来了 可卡因游走完 海洛因又来了

5. Plus, you don't just go into the bathroom of a jazz club where you did heroin to find heroin.

再说了 谁会去以前吸毒的那家爵士酒吧的 那间洗手间找毒吸啊

6. The heroin found in the victim's sinus cavities matches the heroin found in the boy's dorm room.

死者窦腔中的海洛因成分 与宿舍中找到的相符

7. there's no evidence of any bad batches of heroin making the rounds, but there has been a significant uptick in, uh, heroin overdoses.

没有迹象显示 出现劣质海洛因 但是的确出现很多吸毒过量致死的病例

8. You guys, this isn't about the heroin.

伙計們 此事與海洛因無關



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

