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音标: 英 ['kɒmɪklɪ] 美 [ˈkɑmɪkl:ɪ]

adv. 滑稽地;诙谐地

r. in a comical manner


1. It's amazing people keep coming to comic book stores instead of just downloading comics digitally.

说来真奇怪 人们总是来漫画书店买书 而不是直接从网上下载电子版的

2. Vell, once you remove the stress of homework, the brain no longer craves the release of comic joyamines, which are produced specifically by comic books.

一旦你没有了作业压力 大脑就不再渴望释放 由漫画书特定产生的漫画快乐胺

3. Don't tell me you guys have no idea there's a new comic book movie being made of the old comic book movie you two are the basis for.

别告诉我你们不知道 根据那个基于你们俩的老漫改电影 又改编了一部新漫改电影

4. This is exciting for me. I'm a I'm a comic.

我很激动 我是 我是喜剧演员

5. No, I'm being punished for how lame my comics were.

不 我是因为漫画内容太渣而 受惩罚

6. There's some legos, some comics, a book.

里面有乐高积木 几本漫画还有本书

7. I'm enclosing this week's comic about how I'm doing.


8. I'm trying to impress her. I'm a comic.

我想给她留下好印象 我是喜剧演员

9. When I was your age, I didn't have comic books.

我像你这么大时 我可没有漫画书

10. It's an obscure comic from the '80s.

上个世纪80年代发行的 一本鲜为人知的漫画书



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

