中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈdəʊtɪŋ] 美 [ˈdotɪŋ]

a. 偏爱的, 溺爱的

v be foolish or senile due to old age
v shower with love; show excessive affection for
v scatter or intersperse like dots or studs
v distribute loosely
v make a dot or dots
v mark with a dot
s extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent


1. The truth is, we probably dote on him more than we should.

事实上 我们可能过分宠溺他了

2. We couldn't have any kids of our own, so she doted on her students.

我们自己没法要孩子 所以她把爱都倾注给了她的学生们

3. He really dotes on her, on both of us.

他很宠爱她 可以说是宠爱我们

4. Not as the doting aunt, as you initially promised.

而不把自己当做慈爱的阿姨 像你一开始承诺的那样

5. I am not some doting student with a schoolgirl crush.


6. After he was born, she doted on his every move.

他出生以后 一举一动都让她痴迷不已

7. I turned her into this doting, perfect mother.

我把她想象成了一个可爱的 完美的母亲

8. Her father was rich and powerful and doted on his only child.

她父亲有钱有势 十分宠爱自己的独女

9. Allison, I promise I will never dote on you again.

艾莉森 我保证我再也不会宠溺你了

10. Smug, really, about my... perfect life and doting hu and.

对我完美的生活和宠溺我的丈夫 而洋洋自得



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

