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音标: 英 ['breɪvlɪ] 美 [ˈbrevlɪ]

adv. 勇敢地

r. in a courageous manner


1. And she was brave, and you're brave.

她很勇敢 你们也很勇敢

2. I was more brave for sure, but your brave helped my brave quite a bit.

但我更勇敢 但你的勇气鼓励了我

3. You're doing great, my brave, brave boy.

你表现得很棒 我勇敢的孩子

4. Just brave, so brave it was unbelievable.

就是勇气 难以置信的勇敢 (马拉其 唐诺)

5. Sometimes the way to be brave is to pretend to be brave.

有时候为了让自己勇敢 就需要假装勇敢

6. The times we have banded together, you have been a brave a very brave likeminded friend.

我们合作的这段时间 你一直是个勇武过人 志趣相投的朋友

7. And people keep on telling me that he's a hero and talking about how brave he is, calling me brave.

大家一直和我说他是英雄 说他多么勇敢 叫我也要勇敢

8. Despised entirely amongst wizards, unloved, mistreated, yet brave, so very brave.

被巫师们所放逐 遭到唾弃 冷遇 却很勇敢 非常勇敢

9. He is brave, yes, very brave, but also very naive because he believes that violence is the only way to get what he feels is his due.

他很勇敢 非常勇敢 但是也很幼稚 因为他相信诉诸暴力是 获得他想要的东西的唯一办法

10. Mamie was brave enough to show the world what they did to her son, and I wasn't even brave enough to take a few damn pictures.

梅米鼓起勇气告诉世界 他们对她的儿子做了什么 而我连拍下几张照片的勇气都没有



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