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音标: 英 ['pænθiәn]

n. 众神庙, 万神殿, 罗马万神殿

n. all the gods of a religion
n. a monument commemorating a nation's dead heroes
n. (antiquity) a temple to all the gods


1. You are gonna elevate our entire pantheon.


2. It's the most romantic spot in our pantheon of love.


3. In the pantheon of sins, murder is far more honorable than betrayal.

在罪恶神殿中 谋杀可比背叛要高尚得多

4. There's a legend in many pantheons about an item left by the ancient gods.

在许多神殿里都流传着这样一个传说 上古之神遗留下了一件宝物

5. The entire pantheon, a co ic zoo of deities, was sculpted and worshipped.

供奉宇宙神明的万神殿 全都雕刻上了神像 用以礼拜

6. But if you do ever think of yet serious addition to your personal pantheon.

但如果你考虑下 一个有趣的 同时也是严肃的选项

7. I'm both terrified and excited by what I've seen, because the fact is, of course, we have a pantheon of the great 20thcentury photographers.

今日所见令我兴奋又后怕 二十世纪的摄影界群星璀璨 有如万神殿中诸神齐聚

8. When the sands run out, he will possess the total power of the pantheon of ancient gods.

当沙子全部掉落 他将拥有 上古之神神殿的全部能量

9. Notable for its pantheon of colorful spirits and a belief that certain vessels human bones, in particular contain special powers.

特点是它供奉各种神灵 并相信特定的容器 尤其是人骨 包含特殊的力量

10. Before the exploration of space, of the moon and planets, man held that the heavens were the home and province of powerful gods, who controlled not just the vast firmament, but the earthly fate of man himself, and that the pantheon of powerful warring deities was the cause or reason for the human condition, for the past and the future, and for which great monuments would be created, an earth as in heaven.

在人类探索太空 登月之前 人类一直认为 太空是神明的故乡 它们不只控制万物 也控制了人类的命运 而人类各种悲惨命运的 来源就是神明的斗争 过去与未来 在地球上与天堂 都建立了 伟大的神迹



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

