中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌpɑ:ləˈmentrɪ] 美 [ˌpɑ:rləˈmentrɪ]

a. 国会的, 议会的, 议会制度的

a. relating to or having the nature of a parliament
s. having the supreme legislative power resting with a body of cabinet ministers chosen from and responsible to the legislature or parliament
s. in accord with rules and customs of a legislative or deliberative assembly


1. We continued the parliamentary session that you called.


2. There must be some parliamentary procedure that will nullify my signature.

肯定有什么议事规则 可以撤销我的签字

3. Well, there's one possible way to obstruct his parliamentary progress.

有一个办法 可以阻挠他挺近议会

4. is t'biggest and t'most important meeting about parliamentary reform we've ever had.

是历来规模最大也是最重要的 议会改革会议

5. I believe I have a devoted wife, a thriving son, a fine estate and a parliamentary career which has barely begun.

我认为我有个忠心的妻子 健硕的儿子 好庄园 和刚刚起步的议会生涯

6. When the recent war was over, and the people expected plenty to have returned with peace, their distress became worse than ever, and it is the opinion of most thinking men that, at that juncture, the populace would then have fallen in violence upon their employers or their dealers in goods, or both, but for the views exhibited by the advocates of parliamentary reform.

最近那场战争结束后 人民本期待着和平归来 然而 他们的痛苦却愈加深重 多数有见地的人都认为 那时 若没有议会改革者所倡导的观点 民众会对他们的雇主或是商人 或者两者兼有 施加暴力



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

