中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['fɑ:'fetʃt] 美 ['fɑ:'fetʃt]

a. 牵强的, 靠不住的, 乱七八糟的

s. highly imaginative but unlikely


1. But it's not any more farfetched than my own father being involved.

但是相比我亲爹涉案 他是共犯也没多离谱吧

2. It's farfetched, but it's not like there is no possibility.

这听起来很牵强 但并不是没有可能

3. But I'd rather have a farfetched dream than no dream at all.

但我宁可有个遥不可及的梦想 也不想毫无梦想地活着

4. I'm sorry, it just all sounds so farfetched.

不好意思 这也太牵强了

5. Kids, it's all sounding a little farfetched.

孩子们 这听起来的确有点不切实际

6. I mean, it's not that farfetched, but still sick.

也没那么离谱 但还是很

7. It seems pretty farfetched but that's exactly what we've been thinking about.

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8. Give me a farfetched theatrical plot any day.

虽然剧情牵强夸张 但我看不厌

9. It's a funny image, thogh, 'cause it's so farfetched.

还挺有意思 因为这脑洞也是没谁了

10. I mean, all my research reveals it to be less farfetched.

我越研究 这个理论就越站得住脚



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

