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音标: 英 ['tʃɪlɪ] 美 [ˈtʃɪlɪ]

n. 干辣椒, 辣椒粉

n. ground beef and chili peppers or chili powder often with tomatoes and kidney beans
n. very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency


1. I'm making chili for tomorrow's chili cookoff.

我做辣酱 准备参加明天的辣酱比赛

2. I really wanted the chili like, I needed the chili but they were out.

我真想要辣肉酱 我真的很需要 但是卖完了

3. He had the chili paste marinating the fish in, that paste with that chili and those herbs, you know, it's got me thinking big time.

他的辣酱把鱼肉腌得很入味 酱料里的辣椒和香草 让我浮想联翩

4. Okay, so we're gonna need vinegar, chili flakes, red chili powder, oil, a bowl, and a spray bottle.

好的 我们需要醋 辣椒面 红辣椒粉 油 一个碗和喷雾瓶

5. He's here to be with me, not make chili with you.

他是来陪我的 不是来和你做辣酱的

6. Oh, that would be great if I wasn't in the mood for chili.

那其实也挺好 要是我不想吃红辣椒的话

7. It has pineapple, ginger, lime and chili.

里面加了菠萝 生姜 青柠和辣椒

8. And this week is cleveland's chili fest.


9. Oh, that's the kick in chili peppers.

那是红辣椒里的 性物质

10. All I wanted was someone to make chili with me.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

