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音标: 英 ['baɪsn] 美 [ˈbaɪsən, -zən]

n. 野牛

n. any of several large humped bovids having shaggy manes and large heads and short horns


1. He draws, he draws bisons on the wall and other, you know, but basically bisons.

他在墙上画野牛 还有其他的东西 但基本上都是野牛

2. The bison almost trampled me in a stampede.


3. I'm a sale an with the howling bison brewing company.

我只是个销售员 我在咆哮野牛酿酒公司工作

4. Oh, yeah, I had a bison burger for lunch.

这样 我午餐吃了野牛汉堡

5. I mean, zombie bison every once in a while, but that was as bad as it got.

虽然僵尸群三不五时地出现 但那是最糟糕的情况了

6. Historically, there were about 30 to 60 million bison prior to 1800.

据历史记载 1800年以前有3000万到6000万头野牛

7. Extraordinary paintings of bison, herds of them, sleeping, lying, standing.

壁画上成群的野牛超凡绝伦 睡着的 躺着的 站着的

8. Bears, bisons, chickens, cockatiels, cockatoos, cougars, cows.

熊 野牛 鸡 鸡尾鹦鹉 美冠鹦鹉 美洲狮 奶牛

9. 孩子应当是免费劳动力 a hearty luncheon of bison with lake beaver will be served.

向女儿开放工作日 会发放美洲野牛配海狸做为午餐

10. They would clip vegetation, and as the vegetation would resprout, this was very nutritious for the bison and other large herbivores.

他们修剪植被 令植被不断生出新芽 这对于野牛和其他大型食草动物是很有营养的



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