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adv. 倒霉地;不幸地

adv. In a hapless, unlucky manner.


1. But I was never worried you'd be hapless enough to try.

但我从没担心过 你们居然会傻到付诸行动

2. A yank on the face, and she throws the hapless pelican off balance.

她用爪子在脸上猛地一扯 倒霉的鹈鹕失去了平衡

3. I will live quietly, of her hapless, pitiful nephew.

But I do. From now on until Auntie becomes oblivious

4. a hapless, boob, bitchass punk as their whipping boy.

你不过是他们的代罪羔羊 倒霉 愚蠢 懦弱

5. Jon's history makes him out to be a hapless frat boy addict.

根据乔恩的历史来看 他就是个有毒瘾的混混

6. Though I should warn you, I'm not some hapless priest or one of those boys you toy with.

我得警告你 我可不是什么倒霉神父 或者你视作玩物的那些小子

7. She's already offending doctors, nurses, and hapless bystanders so, yeah, she's going to be fine.

她已经得罪了医生 和倒霉的路人 所以没错 她会好起来的

8. And don't think you're not in danger just because you're a handsome idiot, a debonair homosexual, a hapless invalid, or a strapping male soprano.

别以为你们没有危险 虽然你们是 帅气的 儒雅的同性恋 倒霉的残废 和女高音汉子

9. First since II watched a hapless resident at a thirdrate emergency room try and fail to save mine.

目睹三流急诊室那倒霉住院医师 没把我小孩抢救过来后的第一次



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