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音标: 英 [kʌlt] 美 [kʌlt]

n. 膜拜, 礼拜式, 祭仪, 一群信徒
[医] 迷信, 巫术

n. followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices
n. followers of an unorthodox, extremist, or false religion or sect who often live outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader
n. a religion or sect that is generally considered to be unorthodox, extremist, or false
n. a system of religious beliefs and rituals


1. If this cult and that's what it was, a cult if this cult existed, then they have a viable narrative for an alternative suspect.

如果这是一个邪教 它的确是 如果这个邪教存在 他们便能指证 有其他嫌疑犯的可能

2. I was reading up on cults, and you know the only thing more powerful than a chari atic cult leader is a chari atic cult couple.

我在研读邪教 你知道唯一 比神赐力量的邪教教主更强大的 就是一对邪教伴侣

3. Yeah, that sounds like a cult. It's not a cult.

听起来就像是邪教 不是邪教

4. cult or no cult, pretty woman gets stabbed, I hate secrets.

不管你们是不是邪教 有个漂亮的女人被人捅死了 我讨厌秘密

5. Well, it just means you're a cult, and people still think of you as a cult.

我意思是 你们就是个邪教 大家也还是会把你们当成邪教看待

6. So if having deep faith in something greater than you makes you a cult then I guess we're a cult.

如果我们对更好的事物 有虔诚的信仰 你觉得这样就是邪教的话 那我们就是

7. This is not a cult. It's a movement.

这不是邪教 是一项运动

8. I could be in a cult for the weekend.


9. They were in the same ridiculous cult that she was.


10. Of course I have. It's that wacko cult.

我当然听过 就是那个疯狂的邪教



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

