中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ə'raʊnd] 美 [əˈraʊnd]

prep. 包围, 在...周围, 四处
adv. 兜着圈子, 在附近, 到处

r. by a circular or circuitous route
r. in a circle or circular motion
r. to a particular destination either specified or understood
r. in circumference


1. No, I didn't want you around because I didn't want you around.

不 我不想你靠近只因为我不想你靠近

2. He's swimming around and around in a corkscrew.


3. We keep going around and around on this.


4. I cannot keep going around and around with you.


5. The orphans will run around and around and around in a circle to exercise their motherand fatherless legs.

孤儿们要跑圈 一圈圈地跑 好锻炼他们无父无母的腿脚

6. Yeah, well, that's too bad, because I'm gonna be coming around, and around and around, just like a cement mixer.

真是可惜啊 因为我不会就此罢手 成天在她身边转悠 就像停不下来的水泥搅拌机

7. When you clean other people's houses for 20 years, when you're around their children, when you're around their jewelry, when you're around their money, you don't work if you're a dishonest person.

当你为别人打扫二十年的房子 当你一直在他们的孩子身边 当你在他们的首饰周围 当你在他们的钱周围 你要不是诚实 没有人雇你工作

8. around noon. she got up around noon.

差不多中午 她差不多那時起的床

9. Turn around, put your hands around him.

转过身 把手放在他身上

10. I like hiking around, being around in nature.

我喜欢徒步 在大自然里游荡



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

