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音标: 英 ['lɒbstə(r)] 美 [ˈlɑbstɚ]

n. 龙虾

n. flesh of a lobster
n. any of several edible marine crustaceans of the families Homaridae and Nephropsidae and Palinuridae


1. So what happens when you eat a lobster roll is that you've got the warm outside, and then you've got the nice cold lobster and the sweet lobster on the inside.

这样当你享用龙虾三明治的时候 就能先尝到外面裹着的热面包 接着尝到的就是 里层甘甜美味的冷龙虾肉了

2. Some reports suggest that lobsters are actually immortal, but they're probably not, and most lobsters will live for about 50 years, in the wild.

有一些研究表明龙虾能永生 但应该不会 大部分龙虾能活五十年左右 在野外

3. They passed out, and the lobsters escaped.

他们昏了过去 龙虾趁机逃走了

4. That way I'm a hero to all the other lobsters.


5. She had the lobster ravioli; he had the tagliatelle.

她吃了龙虾饺子 他吃的意大利干面条

6. To be honest, I've never had lobster.

实话说 我从未吃过龙虾

7. I don't know. I've never had lobster.

我不知道 我从来没吃过龙虾

8. I've never been allergic to lobster before.


9. You promised her lobster, but there's a problem.

你答应请她吃龙虾 但有个问题

10. lobsters, steak. I can't give you any of that.

龍蝦 牛排 這些我都給不了你



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

