中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈbreɪkəweɪ] 美 [ˈbrekəˌwe]

n. 脱离, (美)(非正式)一碰就散开/脱落的, 分裂

n. the act of breaking away or withdrawing from
s. having separated or advocating separation from another entity or policy or attitude


1. I can tell you're wearing a breakaway suit.


2. From what we're hearing, a breakaway force is operating on its own authority.

据我们所知 一股 势力正在自立门户

3. Let me go get my breakaway pants so I can rip them off.

我先去换上"分离裤" 那样就可以撕开了

4. The breakaway of an iceberg the size of a skyscraper generates a colossal tidal wave.

一座摩天高楼般的冰山崩裂 会形成巨浪

5. Uh, oh yeah, I think the cheap breakaway pants say otherwise.

是吗 我想你那一撕就破的裤子不会这么说

6. You'll have breakaway cuffs, you'll also have a full clip concealed on you in case the need for a firearm arises.

手銬是可掙脫的 同時身上會藏一梭彈夾 以防萬一需要使用槍支

7. The cut marks from the breakaway spur, here should give me the number of teeth per inch, but to me it just looks broken.

起始切口的锯痕 就这里 应该能得到每英寸锯子上的齿数 但我觉得不完整

8. I got one with a breakaway lid that's a real timesaver for today's zombie looking to make that classic handshootingup throughthedirt big entrance.

我有一口盖子可以分离的棺材 可以为那些 僵尸模样的人上演 手从土里伸出来的经典桥段节省了大量的时间



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

