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音标: 英 ['dʒɒsl] 美 [ˈdʒɑsəl]

n. 推挤, 冲撞
vi. 推挤, 冲撞
vt. 推, 挤, 煽动

n. the act of jostling (forcing your way by pushing)
v. make one's way by jostling, pushing, or shoving
v. come into rough contact with while moving


1. I carried it in my bag, I jostled it.

我把它放在包里 我对它敲敲打打

2. jostle the jug or the chamber, they mix.

装置大幅度晃动 化学物质混合

3. You guys were jostling each other for my locker already.


4. All this jostling around's beginning to hurt him, sir.

一路太过颠簸对他伤势影响很大 长官

5. Over a dozen species of parrot jostle for space.


6. One wrong jostle and that clip pops off his aorta.

一个不小心 那夹子就会从他动脉弹出

7. The slightest bump or jostle could detonate the thing without warning.

最轻微的颠簸碰撞 也能毫无预警的引爆它

8. We got to figure out how to cover this dart somehow so it doesn't get jostled in transport.

我们得想办法把飞镖盖住 以防在途中遭到推挤

9. Too many of us jostling around in there could bring the whole thing down on their heads.

太多人挤在那里 可能会让整个结构塌下来压着他们

10. A female darts up and releases millions of eggs, quickly followed by the males, who jostle to fertilise them.

一只雌鱼向上猛冲 产下上百万颗卵 雄鱼们紧紧跟上 互相推挤着为卵受精



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

