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音标: 英 [jæpɪŋ]

v. <贬> (尤指小狗)尖叫, 狂吠( yap的现在分词 ); <非正>(对一些无关紧要的事)哇啦哇啦地说个不停

v bark in a high-pitched tone


1. Now, you can come, but you've got to stop with all this yap, yap, yap.

你可以一起来 但你得停止你这些叨叨

2. You're that guy at the table that's yap, yap, yapping his face off trying to get a read on all of us.

你就是一个坐在赌桌边 假装哇啦哇啦地乱嚷嚷 想把我们每个人都看穿的那种人

3. No, I heard you yapping about it earlier.

不 我剛才聽到你在嘮叨

4. I am kind of tired of our neighbors and their yapping dachshunds.


5. You can do it if you just shut your yap and focus.

只要你闭嘴集中注意力 你就能做到

6. Or I could just speed up, you fall off, and then I won't have to hear you yapping.

或者我也可以加速 让你掉下去 我就不用再听你废话了

7. Remind me why I agreed to you yapping in my ear all night.


8. Sorry to be yapping about money, considering what you're dealing with.

抱歉我在叨叨钱的事 考虑到你现在面对的情况

9. I can hear her yapping, but clearly she's not talking.

她这是在瞎嚷嚷 没一句人话

10. I do know that the prices of the tickets are not going down while we yap.

不过我知道机票的价格不会 在我们发牢骚的时候降下来



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

