中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['dʒækɪt] 美 [ˈdʒækɪt]

n. 夹克, 外套, 护套
vt. 给...穿夹克, 给...装护套

n. a short coat
n. an outer wrapping or casing
n. the outer skin of a potato
n. the tough metal shell casing for certain kinds of ammunition


1. All of a sudden, you'll miss that jacket and you'll love that jacket again.

突然 你会因为丢失了夹克而再次爱上那件夹克

2. Yo, what do you think of this jacket? It's my stage jacket.

你觉得这件外套怎么样 我的演出外套

3. This is a man's jacket. I love buying men's jackets.

这是男士夹克 我喜欢买男士夹克

4. He's... he's the man who... that jacket, that extremely stylish little jacket is named after.

这个男人穿的衣服 太时髦了 而且这衣服 是以他的名字命名的

5. I either wear the jacket and stand, or don't wear the jacket and kneel.

要 着荧光服并站着 或 荧光服并跪着

6. We don't have our jackets or ammunition.


7. I don't have your jacket, if that's what you came here for.

你的外套不在我这 如果你是为这个而来

8. The jackets were a failure, and so am I.

这些外套失败了 我也是

9. There's no style in the jacket at all.


10. No, his jacket's too decent for that.

不 外套这么体面 不会是个工人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

