中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌhaɪdrə'pɒnɪk] 美 [ˌhaɪdrə'pɒnɪk]

a. 水耕法的

a of or relating to aquiculture


1. For any of you sceptical about the limitations of hydroponic farming, here is a list of already commercially available products from hydroponically produced plants.

你若对水培法仍然持怀疑态度 可以参考此列表 上面是已经能够购买到的水培作物

2. Which means the hydroponics have been contaminated.


3. We used to grow hydroponic pot out here.


4. Let me turn on the lights and the hydroponics so you can get the full experience.

我来打开灯和水培系统 你可以全方位体验下

5. From our brandnew hydroponic herb garden in the cafeteria to our solarpowered charging stations in the quad.

从餐厅的全新水培植物花园 到院子里的太阳能充电站

6. Beef up the nutrient slurry in the hydroponics, and make version 2.0 a supertomato.

我可以增加水培养液里的营养成分 种一个升级版超级番茄

7. I learned a ton at boarding school ritual hazing, keg stands, advanced hydroponics.

我在寄宿学校可是学到不少 欺负新人 倒立喝酒 种大麻

8. We have phageresistance bacteria in the hydroponic lines to prevent that, which means that something got in and killed the good bacteria.

我们在水耕系统里加入了 噬菌体抗性菌株以避免这种情形 这代表有某种物质渗入 并且杀死了有益菌

9. They're using distilled water in the hydroponic supply instead of the proper mineral solutions needed for longterm stability.

他们在水培物质里使用的是蒸馏水 而不是植物长期稳定生长所需的 合适矿物质溶液

10. Using the method of hydroponics which doesn't require soil, water is preserved in a closed loop system, eliminating the concern of agricultural runoff, and since it is continually recycled, the total water usage is 70% less than current requirements.

水培法不需要使用泥土 而是将水贮存在一个闭循环系统中 这样就不用再担心农田径流带来污染 而且因为水被不断地回收利用 使用这种方法可以节省70%的水量



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

