中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [prәu'tru:d]

vi. 伸出, 突出
vt. 使伸出, 使突出

v extend out or project in space
v bulge outward
v swell or protrude outwards


1. Only its head protrudes, as it lies in wait for its prey.

当它等待猎物时 只伸出它的头部

2. but I see something strange protruding from your skirt.


3. Some tissue, most likely your intestine, has protruded through the muscle wall.

某些组织 八成是你的肠道 穿过肌肉层出现凸起

4. Hiker found a foot protruding from the soil right up here.


5. She runs after him, and in her drug and alcoholaddled condition, she trips and tumbles head over heels down the stairs, landing on her head and breaking her neck, when her cervical vertebrae column violently protrudes into her cranial vault.

她紧随其后 在她受到药物和酒精作用的情况下 她被绊倒 头朝下滚下了楼梯 头部着地 扭断了颈部 使得她的颈椎骨 猛烈地前突至颅顶

6. And it's about 20 feet down or so from the sidewalk, and it's going to protrude about 20 feet out from the bridge, a marine material that will last, because this is a harsh environment, and if someone does decide to jump, they'll get caught into this mesh.

它在人行道下方大约六米 计划在桥边缘延伸六米 它是一种海事材料 因为环境严酷 得使用持久的航海用材料 如果有人要跳河 就会被这张网兜住



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

